Step by Step Guide to the DIY approach to building your Sprinter Van

acp sprinter wall panel
Cutting our the ACP Wall panel for the van
dog sprinter van
Ellie and I in the rear of the sprinter van
acp wall panel
acp wall panel
acp wall panel
Installing ACP panel in the van
acp wall panel
Installing ACP panel in the van
acp wall panel
Installing insulation covering
sprinter van ceiling
Staining the ceiling boards
sprinter van template
van straping
sprinter van ceiling
sprinter van ceiling
sprinter van template
sprinter van template
Using templates to create the wall panels
sprinter van template
Using templates to create the wall panels
sprinter van template
Using templates to create the wall panels
sprinter van template
acp panel sprinter van
Some of the ACP panel installed
acp panel sprinter van
acp panel sprinter van
acp panel sprinter van
Some of the strapping installed
sprinter van wall panel
Starting to put some of the wall panel back up in the van
sprinter van wall panel
Starting to put some of the wall panel back up in the van
acp panel sprinter van
acp panel sprinter van
acp panel sprinter van
Some of the ACP panel installed
sprinter van wall panel
sprinter van strapping
View of the strapping above the cabinets
sprinter van break time
Sometimes you just think will this ever finish
sprinter van build
Staining and clear coating the ceiling boards
sprinter van build
sprinter van build
Progress shot of the van build
sprinter van build
Staining and clear coating the ceiling boards
sprinter van electrical
Installing the 12v pot lights
sprinter van electrical
sprinter van electrical
Installing the 12v pot lights
sprinter van electrical
Testing out the lights on the van